Blink helps you navigate your code faster.

Try Blink!

Meet Blink

Blank analyzes your project to proactively display code relevant to what you're working on.

All of this in addition to the standard features of a text editor or IDE, supercharged with some Blink goodies.

No More
Switching Files

Navigate your project via the relationships in your code.

Effortless Editing Context

See previews of related functions or classes in 0 clicks.

Bird's Eye View

Get an overview of your project's symbol hierarchy at any time.

More Ways to Navigate

Jump to far away places with the named symbol search.

Try out a new type of text editor!

Blink is available on Windows, macOS, and Linux.

Visited our GitHub repo to download and get started!

Meet the Team

Team Ray-Bens 🕶

University of Utah, Spring 2020

Ray Grant

Project model, editor design, shortcuts, location history, class methods.

Ben Roach

Symbol storage, jump by name, rename symbol, OS compatibility.

Ben Shapiro

Project structure panel, preview pane layout and pinning, context design.

Bradley Walters

Language client, multi-file support, pane paging, script evaluation.